Saturday, July 31, 2010

Three months ago I couldn't run a mile... Today we ran 10! I never thought I could do it. I'm not athletic. In P.E. in high school I was chosen last on teams... The really sad part is that my 5 closest friends were in that class and on multiple times were even the captains... and I still was last. But Mary was training for a half marathon and I can't be out done. Besides if Mary can do it I can't blame it on my genes. So we have been training. Scott has been SO supportive! He pushes the stroller and is the one to set the alarm. And when I whine... he gets me to keep going.
When I tell people I'm doing this, they always say that they never could, well I couldn't either. Until I decided to try.
"If you can dream it, you can do it" Walt Disney
It still hurts, my blisters have blisters. My feet are so nasty looking. And I still haven't lost any weight, BUT I can run 10 miles! And I feel GREAT! Last week I skipped a couple runs and I felt so lousy!
Moral of the story... If I can do it... YOU CAN!


Doug and Julie said...

You make me feel guilty, but I am glad you are doing so well. Way to go. Next year the spudman. Right?

Liz said...

that is awesome Wendy! We are so impressed and proud of you guys! Way to go! I am going to have to give running the old college try in a couple of weeks here :)

The Longloopers said...

10 miles! We should all run a half!! If you can do 10 you TOTALLY can do 13! We can do one in Idaho, or we can run the one in Moab. So pretty!! I'm serious though, we should a half!