Sunday, September 20, 2009

I love being an Aunt...

And I can't wait to be a Mom!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Today in my 27 week mark, it is also 3 months to the day that our baby is due. Sometimes that makes me so excited, and sometimes it makes me think "WHAT HAVE I DONE!?????!!!" We aren't ready to be parents... but ready or not here we come! That must be why I have to be pregnant for 9 months, simple to be ready, also by that time, I understand that I'll be so huge and miserable that I'll want to have this baby at all costs. I'll spare you a picture of my growing tummy but I'll just put it this way, I've given up on my regular pants. Thank you Holly and Julie for letting me borrow cloths. I still wear my normal shirts (hopefully not grossing anybody out with my big tummy) My grandma swears that with her first baby she didn't have to wear maternity clothes until 6 weeks before my uncle was born. Well I made it 13 weeks to D day, but my jeans just don't cut it any longer. Anyway all in all I feel great. I'm tired more now again, like I was at first. But I still can function. We have had some dear friends give us gifts already, I'll try to get pictures of those up soon, but right now.... I'm going to bed.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


I'm not a super neat freak. But since I have been pregnant I have like to clean thing out. Here is the problem: now we can't find anything. That is why I usually just don't clean things up, then I know exactly were it is. It's when I "put things away" that they get lost.