Monday, August 30, 2010

Casa Bonita

After the memorial service we went to Denver to Casa Bonita to celebrate Melanie's birthday, nothing like a mariachi band singing "Happy Birthday"! Anyway the kids loved it! Giant Gorillas chasing giant banannas! So fun!
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My Grandpa passed away this last thursday. It was bitter sweet. He has been so sick and in so much pain. Saturday was a memorial service so we took a 20 hour road trip and were only gone 56 hour! the kids did awesome! Here are some pictures from the event. Abby thinks Ainsley is a little doll. It was so cute! but she was actually very helpful with Ainsley. Poor Luke had his tonsils out Tuesday, so he didn't feel very good, but there again, he did awesome!
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We've Moved....

....To the end of the rainbow! Seriously!! The rainbow is just over our apartment!

We have been here almost a month and so far so good. It hasn't been as hard of an adjustment and we thought it would be. We still miss Provo, and our friends and family there, and our house, I will always miss that house! But things are good here. We still aren't settled yet... we have boxes everywhere. However the lack of AC in our apartment hasn't been to bad because the wind ALWAYS blows here! But everyone here has been very nice to us. I felt like it took 2 years to get "in" with our old ward, but people here have been very accepting. My patients have all been SO nice. It seemed that so often in Utah my patients would be rude! But people here have been so kind. We went to Provo last weekend for Cami's blessing and some one with some serious road rage flipped us off!!! then to make it worse he tailgated us! I couldn't believe it. I think we just got use to rude drivers! It has also been so nice to be close to family. Scott sister has babysat for us. Hopefully everyone won't be sick of us too soon. But it has been nice to see family more.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Ainsley's first tooth cut through yesterday.  (Tooth "o"  for those of you who care.)  Poor girl she has been miserable for the last few days.  (No worries... I brushed it last night!) 

Saturday, August 14, 2010

12 MILES!!

We ran 12 miles today!!! How cool is that!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

...and this concludes chapter 2 in our family's story

Thursday night we pack up three years of memories and love and stuff into a budget truck and road off into the sunset.... a little more literally then Ainsley would have enjoyed (she cried the first half hour and screamed the last hour...) Anyway we loved our time at 2740 Oneida Lane. That is where we went "home" to as newly weds and where we took our first child home. We made some wonderful friendships there that will last a lifetime. I got to spend countless hours with Scott's grandparents and get to know them very personally. We LOVED our time there and it will now be a second home to us no matter where we are.

5 years ago, when I moved to Utah, I was counting down the hours until my 2 year "sentence" would be over, however, when we left I sobbed most of the way. The last three years there have been such happy ones.

It was weird to go to church today and run into people that we went to high school with. I guess that will happen a lot more now that we are so close to home.