New stuff that happened this week.

I got a new cell phone- it's purple. I was due for an upgrade, but I liked my old phone, but when I saw this on was for FREE and it was PURPLE!!! I was convinced. Then Scott being the bargainer he is, he got them to drop the price and give us the rebate, so we made $25 on the phone! and it's PURPLE!!!

I got a new filling. I must be a real nerd for posting a picture of my self like this. I had an old silver filling that went bad, so Dr. Jones replaced it with a new white one!
I got a new church calling. Scott and I were teaching Sunday School for the last year and a half. But two weeks ago he got called to be the Young Men's secretary, today I got called as the Young Women's secretary.
And finally Scott got a new wife!

wait... that's the same wife with a new hair cut. Scott said to tell you that he cut it off in my sleep, not true, but kind-of funny.

it takes a lot less shampoo...

Anyway it was time for a change. I cut 10 in off to donate. It took 3 years to grow it out, but that's one thing about hair, it always grows back.